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FUEL PRICES – By the Numbers

They say gas is expensive. Get over it. Petrol is pricey. The lifeblood of your transportation costs major money – we all feel your pain. Statistics manifest some frightening facts, and some more that ought to make you thankful. Here are today’s Numbers, seen with Canadian and U.S. dollar perspectives.

1.05 – average price of gasoline per litre in the USA in Canadian dollars, between 20 and 30 cents cheaper than the cost per litre in Canada
2.60 – average price of gasoline per litre in France in Canadian dollars
2.89 – average price of gasoline per litre in Turkey in Canadian dollars
320 – percentage increase in the cost of fuel for Spain’s fishing industry over the last five years
887,000,000 – total vehicles on the planet’s roads today
553,000,000 – total vehicles on the planet’s roads fifteen years ago
170 – percentage increase in the price of gasoline in America over the last five years
90 – percentage increase in the price of gasoline in France over the last five years
18,000,000,000 – fewer kilometres driven by Americans in the month of March/2008 compared with the same period in 2007
28 – fewer American cents needed to purchase a gallon of gasoline in Russia than in the USA, with Russia being one of the world’s largest oil producers
12 – total American cents needed to purchase one gallon of gasoline in Venezuela
2.84 – typical price of one gallon of E85 ethanol (in USD) in Brazil, about half the price of gasoline

Imperial Oil (ExxonMobil) refinery in Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia