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2014 Worldwide Passenger Car Sales (by Country & Region)

Global car sales in 2014 experienced moderate growth compared to the previous year.

Global Car Sales & Rankings by Region & Country for 2014

Global car sales in 2014 experienced moderate growth compared to the previous year. In 2014, the global automotive industry sold approximately 65 million passenger cars (excluding light commercial vehicles).

The Asia-Pacific region, including China, Japan, India, and other countries, remained the largest car market, accounting for a significant portion of global sales. China alone accounted for a substantial share of the global market. The European market showed signs of recovery after the economic downturn, with countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and France contributing to increased sales. The United States and Canada experienced steady growth in car sales, driven by improved economic conditions. Car sales in Latin America faced challenges due to economic slowdowns in countries such as Brazil and Argentina. Africa and the Middle East witnessed moderate growth in car sales during this period.

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